The educational process in Canada is organized according to the British and American models, but has significant differences.
Canada has two official languages, so education can be obtained in both English and French. Each of the 10 Canadian provinces has its own education system and structure of educational institutions, which are subordinate to the provincial government.
Students receive higher education in Canada (post-secondary education) in colleges and universities. There are about 96 universities and more than 150 colleges in the country. College education lasts 1-4 years, has a practical focus and is aimed at the fact that upon completion, the graduate will go to work. After studying for 4 years, they receive a bachelor’s degree.
Education at universities is academic (3-11 years):
- bachelor’s degree – 3-4 years;
- master’s degree – plus 2-3 years;
- doctorate – another 4 years.
Retraining programs are popular among immigrants – Post-Graduate Certificate and Post-Graduate Diploma. The duration of study is 1–2 years. It is especially valued in Canada if a foreign student studies under Co-op Programs – theory is combined with practice.