Surely, each of you not only saw you, but also tested the strength of paving slabs on his own experience. It contains concrete and artificial stone. Thanks to these components, this building material has not only frost resistance and durability, but can also take different shape and color. Therefore, you can create not just a flat coating, but real building masterpieces. This building material can be used everywhere, starting from central squares, and ending with the area adjacent to houses and offices. As for the price, it is quite affordable, and everyone can purchase it. And if you want to buy a metal tile, then visit the AvansStroy website.
Having decided to start laying paving slabs on your own, it will cost you cheaper, but then you should stock up on the necessary tools that may come in handy, namely, with a hammer with a rubber drummer, level, a tramus and roulette.
Now it is necessary to fence off as much space as you are going to blame with tiles. To do this, you need to install the curbs, a cement mortar. Now you can start work with the tile itself. It is necessary to evenly distribute the sand and crushed stone over the entire surface.
So, having made such a peculiar pillow, you can start laying from the angles of the fence and diagonally. It is necessary to check the level of surface evenness each time and compact everything with a special hammer that will press the tile as much as possible. It is not recommended to use a metal hammer, as it can split or scratch the tile.
Masters also recommend leaving small gaps between tiles, as they can expand. At the end of the work, it is necessary to sprinkle with sand evenly. And finally it is necessary to steal everything with water so that the mixtures begin to grab and turn out even and beautiful seams.