In the first time, the own insulation of the balcony in the apartment is interested in those who wished to expand the area of living space in their dwelling. But here it is very important to realize well that insulation must be performed exclusively on the cold side, either from the enclosing structures. This design can be a ceiling, floor or wall.
Based on the results of the insulation work on the insulation, the previous fence of the balcony will become in the zone of positive temperature, but the couples must pass through the layer of insulation without hindrance and go outside.
If materials of decent quality are used for insulation, then we can say with confidence what will happen, the highest level of comfort in the apartment, which was increased by insulation of the area of the balcony, is achieved.
But nevertheless, it should be recognized that it is extremely rare in apartment buildings that the possibility of insulation of the walls of any individual balcony or even an apartment from the outside is given the opportunity. Therefore, given these difficulties, most often you have to use the only possible solution to this problem – to insulate the balcony from its inner side.
So you might immediately think that in this case, holding the repair of an apartment with your own hands is an absolutely trifle business that will not cause any difficulties. It is only necessary to fix the layer of insulation of the necessary thickness on the wall, perform finishing work and that’s it, you can live and rejoice. But in fact, everything is not as rosy and simple as it seems.
If the owners have already insulated their balcony using this method, then they probably noticed that in the winter in the area of the wall of the balcony, to which the insulation layer was attached, water occurs on the floor periodically. Why is it happening?
Where does the condensation come from?
Initially, the existing balcony fence during insulation from the inside inevitably moves to the area of low temperatures, which will never exceed the dew point. In this case, absolutely all the pairs that leave the room, immediately pass through a layer of insulation, and then encounter directly with the cold material of the fence itself. As a result of this process, moisture tends to condenses and drain on the floor in the form of water.
Yes, and the insulation itself and the material from which the fence is made is still wet. The insulation, by the way, significantly reduces all its thermal insulation characteristics. Even if the water does not stand out from the wall, you do not need to be sure that such a problem is absent: the insulation itself still gets wet, which means that it loses its thermal insulation qualities.
And plus everything, there is a direct threat of mold or fungus. As a result, the wall seems to be insulated, and the result is either completely reduced to a minimum, or is not at all.
Ways to solve this problem
Do not despair. Any problem necessarily has a solution option. Or maybe not one. But it is better to stop in more detail on the most universal solution to the problem of this nature. It is perfect for absolutely any insulation. Even with a high level of vapor permeability.
This solution means the use of the unique technology of dry construction for facing the surface of the walls of the walls. It is understood to mean the replacement of metal profiles and used drywall with MDF or PVC wall panels and wooden beams. In this case, foil, specialized membranes or even an ordinary plastic film can serve as a steam -barrier.
The obvious advantages of this method of insulation of balconies are almost complete absence of any wet processes. The exception is only putty of all seams if GKL is used. But it is worth noting that the design of this type is completely devoid of free movement of air masses. And this, of course, is a serious drawback.
So, above the possible options for insulation of the balconies of apartments with their own hands were given. From which it is quite possible to draw unequivocal conclusions that there is nothing impossible in this process. Insulation can be done not only from the outside, but also from the internal.
And having shown proper concern about the protection from the condensate of the insulation layer, it is possible to completely exclude the occurrence of any moisture on it.