Stretch ceilings are popular in the European market for a long time. Gradually, current trends in the design of the ceilings took root in Russia. Colossal selection of colors and textures allows you to create very interesting visual effects. It is possible to apply various drawings and even artistic paintings. The magnificent design of suspended ceilings can be a good addition to the interior. The demand for this product is also closely related to its beauty
The most used in production material for suspended ceilings is PVC film. Strong and convenient to operate, it retains heat in the apartment and reliably protects from noise. Thanks to practicality and its properties, the sale of suspended ceilings took a worthy place in the market. Another advantage of such ceilings is a disguise of various defects that can easily be hidden with high -quality installation.
There are quite a lot of design options, the design of suspended ceilings, made in the technique of artistic painting and photo printing, is in demand. The original solution is a mirror ceiling that emphasizes the aristocracy of the design and visually expands the space in the room. For the bedroom, the “Star Sky” option is remarkable. It can be executed in various techniques, for example, drawing luminescent paint on the matte texture, or a certain backlight that can create the effect of the starry sky.
Today, the sale of suspended ceilings is carried out by both Russian and foreign firms. The assortment and quality practically do not differ, it all depends on the capabilities of the buyer. For domestic manufacturers, prices are more affordable for all segments of the population. However, there are customers who prefer European manufacturers, and you can find them on the Internet at the request of “stretch ceilings France”. Since standard white ceilings are a thing of the past and many they seem boring and irrelevant, a large selection of various types of design provides an opportunity to decide to the consumer, which is suitable for this house. With a modern pace of life, the dynamics should manifest itself even in the interior. And designers are able to realize the most daring fantasies of customers.
Hearing the phrase “stretch ceilings of France”, there is no doubt for a long time, because quality and high environmental friendliness are guaranteed. Long -existing French stretch ceilings existing on the market fully meet all standards. Therefore, when purchasing a stretch ceiling, you need to carefully choose the design, since such a ceiling will last a long time.