All modern building materials are evaluated according to the criteria of the quality and speed of their installation. Large -format ceramic blocks greatly simplify the process of laying the wall. But here, as elsewhere in construction, you need to know some features of work with the material.
The base for masonry should be strictly horizontal, this can be done using a hydraulicarian. Small irregularities can be corrected using a solution before laying the first row. It is important to remember, which the first row lays the horizontal basis of the entire future masonry, if it is not verified horizontally, then in the subsequent stages it will be very difficult to correct.
The masonry solution should be mixed directly on the construction site, the concrete mixer will cope well with this. Ready -made dry mixes can only be used according to the instructions. They need to add only the required amount of water and mix. In the case when the mixture is prepared in place, at first all mixtures are mixed in a dry form and only then add water. To use hollow ceramic blocks in the laying of ceramic blocks, the solution should be of medium stiffness. This means he should not fill the voids of the block, but at the same time lies well.
When erecting a single -layer wall, you can use as a regular solution, and “warm”. Such a solution has a heat -insulating material, such as expanded clay sand,. The “warm” solution has a low thermal conductivity, so the built wall will be uniform in the heat -insulating properties. If the constructed wall is two- or three-layer, then ordinary cement or cement-cement solutions are used for masonry.
Walls of wall laying from drawn ceramics are best carried out in the warm season, when the air temperature is above 5 ° C. This will improve its compression strength.
If you decide to purchase a country house or cottage, then ready -made projects of houses with a garage will become an excellent option in this matter. Our experts are responsible for every trifles of the interior and small aspects of the design. On the AkvilonPro website, choose a project of a house to your taste and in the future your home will become an integral part of your comfort.